Warning: It's just Personal Note !!!
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#info configure flat | more
2. To Check ONT Operational State:
3. "Show Run" Interface ONT:
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#info configure equipment ont interface 1/1/1/1/1
configure equipment ont
echo "equipment"
interface 1/1/1/1/1 sw-ver-pland disabled
desc1 "Customer Internet FTTx"
sernum HWTC:957E7080
subslocid WILDCARD
fec-up disable
sw-dnload-version disabled
log-auth-pwd plain:******
admin-state up
4. To Check Interface Port UP or Down:
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#show interface port uni:1/1/1/1/1/1/1
port table
port |admin-status|opr-status
uni:1/1/1/1/1/1/1 up up
port count : 1
5. To Check Interface Ethernet ONT (1Gbps or 100Mbps) and Status Ethernet:
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#show ethernet ont operational-data
operational-data table
uni-idx |config-indicator|link-status
1/1/1/1/1/1/1 gige-fd up
operational-data count : 1
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#show ethernet ont operational-data detail
operational-data table (detailed)
uni-idx : 1/1/1/1/1/1/1 config-indicator : gige-fd link-status : up
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#show ethernet ont operational-data detail
operational-data table (detailed)
uni-idx : 1/1/1/1/1/1/1 config-indicator : gige-fd link-status : up
6. Check Interface and Serial Number (SN) ONT:

7. Check Optical ONT

8. Check SN ONT:

9. Check Regusted ONT With Serial Number:

10. Check Mac Address from ONT:

11. Check QOS in OLT:

12. Check Unregisted ONT:

13. To Check SFP Information:
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#show equipment transceiver-inventory nt:xfp:1
transceiver-inventory table
index |inventory-status |nokia-part-num |tx-wavelength |fiber-type |rssi-sfptype
nt:xfp:1 no-error 3FE25773AA "850 nm" multi-mode 1000base_sx
transceiver-inventory count : 1
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#show equipment diagnostics sfp nt:xfp:1 detail
sfp table (detailed)
position : nt:xfp:1 diag-avail-status : no-error los : no-los tx-fault : no-tx-fault
tx-power : "-4.64 dBm" rx-power : "-4.54 dBm" tx-bias-current : "7.13 mA" supply-voltage : "3.38 VDC" temperature : "52.59 degrees Celsius" temperature-tca : normal-value
voltage-tca : normal-value
bias-current-tca : normal-value
tx-power-tca : normal-value
rx-power-tca : normal-value rssi-profile-id : 65535 rssi-state : disable
7. Check Optical ONT
8. Check SN ONT:
9. Check Regusted ONT With Serial Number:

10. Check Mac Address from ONT:

11. Check QOS in OLT:

12. Check Unregisted ONT:

13. To Check SFP Information:
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#show equipment transceiver-inventory nt:xfp:1
transceiver-inventory table
index |inventory-status |nokia-part-num |tx-wavelength |fiber-type |rssi-sfptype
nt:xfp:1 no-error 3FE25773AA "850 nm" multi-mode 1000base_sx
transceiver-inventory count : 1
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#show equipment diagnostics sfp nt:xfp:1 detail
sfp table (detailed)
position : nt:xfp:1 diag-avail-status : no-error los : no-los tx-fault : no-tx-fault
tx-power : "-4.64 dBm" rx-power : "-4.54 dBm" tx-bias-current : "7.13 mA" supply-voltage : "3.38 VDC" temperature : "52.59 degrees Celsius" temperature-tca : normal-value
voltage-tca : normal-value
bias-current-tca : normal-value
tx-power-tca : normal-value
rx-power-tca : normal-value rssi-profile-id : 65535 rssi-state : disable
14. To Check Temperature:
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#show equipment temperature
temperature table
slot |sensor-id|act-temp |tca-low |tca-high |shut-low |shut-high
nt 1 57 70 75 90 95
nt 2 80 80 85 100 105
nt 3 101 85 90 100 105
nt 4 97 95 100 100 110
nt 5 125 95 100 100 110
lt:1/1/1 1 83 80 85 100 105
lt:1/1/1 2 91 85 90 100 105
lt:1/1/1 3 100 90 95 100 105
lt:1/1/1 4 104 95 100 100 105
temperature count : 9
15. To Check Software Version:
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#show software-mngt version etsi
etsi table
isam-release : R5.6.02c
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#show equipment temperature
temperature table
slot |sensor-id|act-temp |tca-low |tca-high |shut-low |shut-high
nt 1 57 70 75 90 95
nt 2 80 80 85 100 105
nt 3 101 85 90 100 105
nt 4 97 95 100 100 110
nt 5 125 95 100 100 110
lt:1/1/1 1 83 80 85 100 105
lt:1/1/1 2 91 85 90 100 105
lt:1/1/1 3 100 90 95 100 105
lt:1/1/1 4 104 95 100 100 105
temperature count : 9
15. To Check Software Version:
leg:JKT-OLT-ALU-NOKIA:user>#show software-mngt version etsi
etsi table
isam-release : R5.6.02c
16. Uptime OLT
typ:OLT-Nokia-Alcatel:User>#show core1-uptime (Tidak semua Tipe OLT Nokia bisa)
System Up Time : 231 days, 02:34:30.67 (hr:min:sec)
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